This page will serve to briefly summarize the goals and instructions for the SWE and ROS2 project.

Objective: Create a ROS2 node that subscribes to the topic “talker” and prints out the message received


  • Get introduced to ROS2, the industry-standard modular communication framework in robotics.
  • Understand how to create and communicate between nodes in our codebase
    • General node structure
    • CMakeLists
    • package.xml
  • Understand best practices in software engineering


  1. Log onto the development server and cd into onboarding_files/ros2/listener.
  2. You have *three files you need to complete. Don’t worry, two are literally just filling in a couple words. Go ahead and follow the instructions in the three files to complete onboarding: CMakeLists.txt, package.xml, and listener_starter.cpp.
  3. To build your project: cd into the onboarding_files/ros2/ folder and run source /opt/ros/foxy/ and colcon build. Run source install/ to update changes.
  4. To test your project: you will need to run the talker node first. Login to the server in a second window and cd into the talker folder and run source ../install/ Start the talker node using ros2 run talker_example talker.
  5. Back in the original window, cd into the your listener project folder, and run ros2 run <pkg_name> <executable_name>. Ensure the listener receives the correct message: “You have completed the ROS2 onboarding project!”.

Resources and helpful info: If you don’t understand a step, look it up! No shame in consulting documentation. Let’s just say writing a listener node is a very common task.

Common bugs

  • Q: Error while building, relating to comments in the file
    • A: Remove the comments in the file. I belive triple tick comments """ causes bugs which is my mistake.